Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tutorial - How to Make Doll Hair Clips

Darling little dolls for your darling little girl!

Dolly Hair Pretties Tutorial at From An Igloo
"Last Christmas one of their aunties gifted the girls the absolute cutest hair pretties I had ever seen. I threatened the girls short of their lives not to lose them. I guess they like being alive because in something short of a miracle they didn't lose them, and a year later they are still hanging around. Problem is, these hair pretties (which look like little dolls) now look like they lead questionable lifestyles and I can't have dollies like that in my girlie's hair! So before throwing them out, I did what any normal person would do. I took them apart, and then made some new ones. Here is what you need to do to make them too!..." Read more

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