Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tutorial - How to Make a Bird Embroidered Pillow

Ok. She kills me. Seriously. With every one of her tutorials, I want to get out my embroidery supplies and start stitching. I've got to make the time and soon! Bustle and Sew is so inspiring!

Groovy Bird Embroidered Pillow Tutorial at Bustle and Sew
"A couple of weeks ago I discovered a vintage embroidery transfer stuffed into an old brown envelope - yes - the groovy bird you see at the top of the post. There's absolutely no information on the transfer about date or maker, but I would guess 1960s? It was crying out for a makeover so I decided to turn it into this groovy cushion (or pillow depending on where you live) and think it's come out well...." Read more

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