Friday, March 6, 2009

Tutorial - How to Make a Tutu

If you love a little girl, then you must make this for her! She'll never forget it.

Tutu Tutorial at Vermillion Rules
"Don't be put off because you can't sew or think you aren't creative-this doesn't take sewing skills or creativity!! :) And won't it be great to have something underneath the Christmas tree this year made by YOU!?! This is an easy, everyone can do it project..." Read more


  1. This blog is a wonderful idea!! I have added you button to my right sidebar. Will be back often to get ideas!!

  2. Thanks for this tute, I sooo need to make my 3 year old a tutu!

  3. Thanks Audrey! I linked back. Terrific blog!

    Thanks Ilena! Good luck with the tutu! It's so adorable!
