Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tutorial - How to Make a Child's ABC Book

This is fabulous! I made ABC books for my boys. They were just composition notebooks with photos glued to the pages. They added some of their own drawings too. Yep, that was quite a few years ago now! Our books weren't as lovely as these but they were loved too.

ABC Book Tutorial at Smart-Bottom Enterprises
"When Peyton turned 3 years old, I made him a personalized ABC Book. I didn't do any fancy scrapbooking or anything at the time, so his was pretty basic. "A is for Art" with a picture of Peyton holding up a piece of his artwork. That sort of thing. But he loved it. And he still does..." Read more


  1. Thank you so much for featuring my ABC book! I'm honored!

  2. My pleasure Darcy. It's great! Thanks so much for submitting it!
