Friday, April 16, 2010

Tutorial - How to Make Personalized Clothing Buttons from Shrink Plastic

Shrink plastic is so fun! I'll bet that kids would love to design their own buttons.

Personalized Clothing Buttons from Shrink Plastic Tutorial at Oh!! I Like That!!
"Now, when I say, if you're going to do this right.. use ZIG Millennium Pens, I really mean it! I spent a lot of money buying different permanent ink pens to experiment with. And ZIG was far superior. Using this brand means you can wash your clothes and the ink won't run or fade, whereas all of the other brands I used did ..." Read more


  1. Those are some of the coolest buttons I've ever seen. Thanks for tute, I love things I can do with my 4 yr old. :) I'll have to look for those pens, where can you buy them- or should they be order online? I also wanted to pass on this Sunshine Award to your blog. I love popping in and reading the different crafts.

  2. Thanks lilgamoma for the award!

    Glad you both like this one as much as I do!
