Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tutorial - How to Dye Wool Felt with Kool Aid

Love the mottled colors and looks like a lot of fun!

Rainbow Dyed Felt With KoolAid Tutorial at Fiona Duthie
"Dyeing with food dyes, including Kool Aid is a great project for working with children, and can also be a practical way for anyone to get some lovely variegated wool felt into their stash! We dyed ours with Kool Aid, as a way to get a nice mix of colors, with just white wool felt, and some easy to find ingredients. Food coloring or cake decorating colors also work using the same principles- they all work as acid dyes on the wool fibers..." Read more

1 comment:

  1. Fiona: Thank you so much for posting this felt dyeing tutorial. I have been ordering my "fairy felt" from Europe, but now thanks to you, I can do this myself!

    Kindest regards,
    Sharon Jennings
