Friday, January 7, 2011

Tutorial - How to Make Faux Metal Wall Art

Holy moly. They're beautiful and NOT made of any kind of metal. I X'd out what they're made of in the quote below. You're just going to have to go to Suzy's blog to find out!

Faux Metal Wall Art Tutorial at Suzy's Artsy Craftsy Sitcom
"I mentioned to my family that I'm collecting XXX for use on some projects that were bouncing around in my head. And an odd thing happened. At every family function, every dinner party, every chance meeting since then, I have been inundated with XXX. They hand them to me when I least expect them, neatly packaged in Kroger bags, fully confident that whatever I have in mind for them is worth the extra effort. At Christmas, I was given a bag of them along with my Christmas present. Kinda nice, but apparently when folks look at me right now, they think of XXX. Not sure if that is a good thing or not.

Anyway, I decided to try my hand at mixing some quilling techniques and XXX to come up with some faux metal wall art to spice up my Southwestern theme kitchen..." Read more


  1. Wow. Thank you so much for the feature! You made my day!


  2. So glad Suzy! It's an amazing project! Thanks for submitting it!

  3. You're an amazing artist Suzy. You made something like that from Xs. But I was a bit sad to know that whenever people see you, they think immediately of those Xs. However, your work is a terrific job.
