Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tutorial - How to Make Sugar Scrub

Sounds fabulous!

Sugar Scrub Tutorial at Smart-Bottom Enterprises
"I got a bee in my bonnet to make sugar scrub over the holidays. I had never made it before, so I did my research online and realized that everyone makes sugar scrub with basically the same core ingredients: Some kind of sugar (organic, raw, white, or brown), some kind of oil (almond, avocado, olive, or vegetable), and some kind of essential oil to make it smell nice.
It was so incredibly easy to make! You take your pick of ingredients, mix them until you like what you see and feel, pour it in a jar, and you're done! It takes all of 3 minutes to make. Kind of..." Read more


  1. Can you use this as a face scrub too?

  2. Perhaps you could leave your question on her blog. Hopefully she'll see it there.
