Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tutorial - How to Make Selvedge Fabric

Use the fabric you make for all kinds of sewing projects
Tutorial at Made by ChrissieD Blog

"This week I've made a lap top case using selvedges and I thought I'd share with you how I create selvedge fabric.When I buy a piece of fabric I remove the selvedges along both edges by folding the fabric in the correct direction to cut them off as full length strips.  I cut the selvedges at 7/8" but it's up to you how wide you cut them you may want to cut them wider and see more of the original fabric design.  I line the selvedge edge up with a 1" line on the cutting mat and then 1/8" line of my ruler on the next 1" line - lining the ruler over the larger amount of fabric helps hold the fabric in place so it doesn't move while I'm cutting though you do risk making a wrong cut into your selvedge".... Read more

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